
The District is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Trustees are elected annually by the customers that reside in the District boundaries outlined in the charter.

The Trustees serve staggered 3 year terms.

Board Meetings are at the Town Council Chambers at Kittery Town Offices on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. and are viewable on local access channel 22.

To register for the upcoming meeting, please visit the Trustee Meeting Tab of our Website and click on either “Upcoming Meeting Agenda and Packet” or “Meeting Info Center” the agenda and packet along with the link to register for the meeting will be available about a week before the meeting.

Trustee Term Email
Robert Gray (President) 2023
James Golter (Treasurer) 2023
Carla Robinson (Clerk) 2025
Chris Andrews 2024
Michael Melhorn 2025


Bob Gray

Born 1950

Robert W. Traip Academy Graduate (1968)

United States Coast Guard Veteran (1969-1973)

Married to Shealagh Kimball since 1973


Retired with over 40 years experience in industrial and process control engineering, instrumentation and control networking, industrial ethernet and embedded firmware testing. Worked in pharmaceutical, semiconductor, petrochemical, lighting glass and health care products.

For 13 years operated a independent systems integration business, contracting to Hoechst-Celanese, Brooks Automation, Intel.

Employed by GTE, Standard Thompson, Schneider Electric

Service in Kittery
  • Kittery Historical & Naval Society, President of Board of Trustees
  • Friends of Fort McClary, Board of Trustees
  • Tide Mill Institute, Board of Trustees
  • Orchard Grove Cemetery Association, Board of Trustees
  • Kittery 375 Celebration Committee
  • Town of Kittery, Board of Appeals
Other activities

Historical database & application development, gardening, beekeeping, brewing and photography.


James E. Golter

Age:   61

Years residing in Kittery:  25

Career Experience: I have over 40 years of experience in the plumbing and heating industry. I have owned and operated J. Golter Plumbing & Heating since 1986. I am currently licensed in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Objectives/Goals: As a Trustee of the Kittery Water District, my goal is to educate our water users on the various processes and regulations of the District and to help the community come together to maintain and protect our valuable resources.

Trustee Experience:

  • Served on the Kittery Water District Board of Trustees for the past 13 years.
  • Experience in water treatment systems and as a Trustee have visited multiple treatment plant facilities in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts to assess their operations.
  • Worked to update the Kittery Water District’s Backflow Protection Program based on the State of Maine’s Public Utilities Commission Codes.
  • Have worked in conjunction with Wright Pierce Engineering on site pilot studies to explore treatment options.
  • Currently a member of Maine Rural Water Association, Maine Water Utilities and the New England Water Works Association.

Licenses Held:

ME Master Plumber #MS6900                                   ME Gas #PNT5909

ME Master #1 & #2 Oils 15 GPH #MS30012057       NH Master Plumber #2645

NH Gas #GFE0804488                                                MA Master Plumber #PL16273-M

MA Journeyman Plumber #PL32851-J                       MA Gas Technician

RPZ Backflow Prevention Device Inspector/Tester Certification #0014199

Practical Experience:

  • Design and installed water treatment systems, pressure reducing stations and water booster systems in residential and commercial facilities.
  • Installed water mains and sewer piping.
  • Installed and serviced centrifugal water pumps.
  • Worked with Weston & Sampson Engineering, installing plumbing systems for the Kittery Sewer Leachate facility.
  • Worked for Phillips Exeter Academy for 20 years designing and installing water, sewer and steam condensate systems.
  • Installed fuel oil and LPG tanks both above and below ground.
  • Install and service hydronic and steam heating plants.

Carla Robinson


  • Graduate of R. W. Traip Academy 1973
  • University of Maine with a degree in accounting


  • York Water District for 38 years, 25 of those years as Financial Manager


My intent as Trustee Board Member is to maintain and increase the level of excellence the District and its Employees current have and to maintain that level at a fair rate to the customers.

Chris Andrews

Age: 54

Residence: Kittery – 54 years

Education: Traip Academy Graduate -1988


Previously worked for my family’s construction business for 31yrs and have worked closely with the KWD for many of those years installing and repairing water mains throughout the towns of Kittery, York and Eliot. Other projects include the KTP expansion, many of the Kittery outlet malls and Shapleigh school addition.

I have also been involved in coaching basketball and softball for 15yrs in Kittery including being Traips Varsity softball coach for 10 yrs. And many years as President of the Travel basketball board as well as the KCC Auction committee.

I’m currently the Training Work Leader at the PNSY and have been employed there since 2019.


My goal for being part of the KWD Trustee is to make sure we can provide the best water possible for Kittery and the surrounding towns that KWD provides water to. As we grow with more developments, hotels, businesses and the expansion of the PNSY dry docks, we need to make sure we keep up with the demands of providing enough safe, quality water for everyone.

Carl Palm and the entire KWD strives on being the best water district they can be.






Michael H. Melhorn

Age: 64

Residence: Kittery Point – 63 years

Education:  Graduate of R. W. Traip Academy – 1976


Started Career at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in 1982 (33+ years)

Marine Machinists Mechanic (X38) – (1982 – 1992)

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Fire Department – Retired Fire Captain – (1992 – 2015)

International Assoc. of Firefighters Local F-123 – President 2000-2016

Kittery Fire Department – Retired Asst. Fire Chief – 1990 – 2018

Kittery Fire Department – Driver/Operator – 2018 to present

Orbis Inc. – Contractor – Waterfront Supervisor – 2016 to present


I believe that with the increase in both business and residential construction we need to be concerned how this will impact our water system and our firefighting capabilities as well as how we will be able to keep up with and maintain these systems. I’m interested in helping to improve and maintain our hydrant system. The KWD has done a great job in their recent upgrades and continues to make significant improvements in this area.

I’m also interested in the development of the future needs of our community and how we can progress forward in providing safe, clean, good tasting and quality water at a reasonable cost. I believe watershed is a high priority for maintaining good quality water in our ponds and we should continue to improve our methods of maintaining them.

We should continue to improve the methods of keeping our residents informed.

Mike Rogers and the entire KWD crew continue to provide a great service for this community, and we should strive to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for them.