Trail Maintenance Update

The Kittery Water District is proud to be working with the York Land Trust, local ATV riders, neighbors and private citizens to perform maintenance and upgrades to a trail in York, off Linscott Road South, that passes between York Land Trust Land and land of the Kittery Water District. The trail is currently not part of the KWD’s mapped trail system, though it does access our “Silver Trail”, and passes over a cross country water main between the Bell Marsh Reservoir and Boulter Pond.

This trail was previously not well maintained, had several drainage issues and was rapidly deteriorating. Greg Phipps was kind enough to do some gentle limbing along the trail edges to allow equipment better access for materials and grading. To date, the KWD has donated a couple of loads of crushed gravel from the Pike Plant in Eliot to make upgrades to the trail. A 12” diameter culvert was also donated, to be installed at one of the particularly poorly drained areas of the trail. Mark Gardner very generously donated the use of his personal tractor and attachments to re-grade the trail, provide better drainage, and spread and compact the new gravel. The next job will be to install the new culvert. This will be a group effort, but made much easier with the work done to date.

This is a wonderful project made possible by a group collaboration amongst the various parties mentioned above. An improved trail system, reduced runoff into wetlands, and potential access for fire suppression equipment are but a few of the benefits to the project. As improvements continue, updates will be posted.