Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer Survey INITIAL IMPRESSIONTelephone Contact1. What was the name of the District representative (if known)?2. Was the District representative polite, courteous, and helpful?3. If an appointment was made, was it handled efficiently?4. Was the appointment scheduled at a convenient time for you?5. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?SERVICE APPOINTMENT1. What was the name of the District representative?2. How was the promptness of the District's representative?3. Was the District's representative polite and courteous?4. Was the District's representative neat in appearance?5. Was the District's representative professional?6. If an explanation was given for a problem, was it clear and understandable?7. Do you feel the work was performed efficiently?8. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?CONTACT INFORMATIONOptionalName First Last PhoneEmail Account Number or Service AddressCAPTCHA Δ