To supply clean, safe, and healthy water for our residential, commercial, and governmental customers and for fire protection. We do this using best practices of water system construction and maintenance, water treatment, and watershed management.
Our Values
We have been entrusted with some extremely valuable responsibilities, assets, and resources which demand our utmost attention and care:
·The health, safety, and welfare of our customers.
·Our people, their livelihood, work environment, professional development, and safety.
·Our physical plant. Dams, treatment plant, water mains, pumping stations, standpipes, and fire hydrants.
·Our natural resources. Water and watershed.
The Kittery Water District is committed to caring for all these with diligence, ingenuity, collaboration, respect, transparency, and economy.
Our Vision
To continue to accomplish our mission and embody our values by employing ever evolving best practices and technology.